Monday, November 13, 2006

SC06 Exhibit Hall Taking Shape

Tampa, FL - The SuperComputing 2006 (SC06) Exhibit Hall in the Tampa Convention Center is a crazy place this morning, littered with cranes, cables, girders, lights, posters, and plenty of silicon and copper. Languages, frameworks, alliances are on the buzzword menu. One sees a lot of exhibits that make you think "hey, I wish I'd thought of that."

One nice language feature of Mathematica I've been playing recently is the ability to make arguments of a function held in unevaluated form, essentially giving you the ability to write your own control structures. If Mathematica doesn't have a repeat-until loop, you can write your own. It's Algol-like call-by-name, in case you want to program that way.

A bit of blog administrivia, regrettably we got a bit of comment spam lately so we've reinstated the captcha requirement.

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